Okay. GOOD NEWS. I am doing extremely better today. Simply because I believe.
Well, thoughts can ruin your mood, or make you feel completely 50 times better. Hehe!
I was just...thinking...because there is no need to worry, we must believe that God is in control. I am allowing Him to lead me to what He wants me to do. And all I have to do is worry about MYSELF. My actions, the way I come across to others, if I'M shining my light to friends and family (and even strangers!) Life is just too short to waste on nothing important.
We gotta give it ALL up! God is the one standing there with His arms wide open and I'm pretty sure, according to His word, that He's pretty much saying, "I'm waiting for YOU." We're not robots. He can't force us to follow Him. And that's the joy in it all! Choosing God is special because it's a CHOICE.
A CHOICE is more important. If you do not choose something, then it isn't even special. It's better to say, "I chose to follow God" than it is to say "I have to."
He wants us to WANT Him. Not to do it "just because." And it's a beautiful thing.
If it wasn't, I wouldn't be so happy today. I wouldn't be able to get through any of this ...STUFF... My life may not be at its best right now, but I truly believe that God is preparing my future. And I have to go through this to learn and grow so that I will see how wonderful God really is.
It's the holidays pretty much, and I'm excited for Christmas. Because it's the only holiday to me that I feel the most love. From everyone around me! And how dark it is, but that we have lights to shine at night. Because it's only in the dark that you can really see the light. And that's when we should shine the most!
I'd rather spend one day with God than a thousand places elsewhere.
He's what makes me...truly happy. And He knows exactly what I need.
Therefore I leave everything up to Him.
♥ Stephanie Ann ♥
Just open your eyes and THEN you'll see what He gave you. :)