Saturday, October 31, 2009
Moving On.
I think that there are people and things that are meant to come and go. Just as much as there are people and things that are meant to stay. We know when we've found exactly what we needed and we hold onto it. It's the very thing that gives us hope. To know that we are not required to suffer but to endure; to learn and grow. For some situations we move on, and for others we fight. But unless God provided another stepping stool, our call is on the one He already has us on.
I can repeatedly cry out, "Why, God? Why me?" I can spend the time crying in my pillow, absolutely confused with my circumstances. But there is always one thing I remember... He has given us exactly what we needed to grow stronger. He has provided us the strength. In fact, He holds us through the storms, and helps us fight our battles. If we're going through a tough's because He knew we were strong enough. I may be weak, but He's strong enough for me.
God has showed me how strong I am through Him. He has proven to me that I am capable of being a warrior. I could honestly say I would have never thought I could handle what I handle today. And this I smile upon. To realize how utterly amazing God is to bring me through the many storms and still put a smile on my face. I still experience pure joy and happiness. I still gain excitement. I still have the urge to love in the most troubled times.
If you're not meant to be somewhere, God will provide a way for you to move toward. In constant prayer, you can be sure of where that is. Because the moment you step away from God, you walk in darkness with nothing to light your way. But in lightness, you can be sure of where you are and where you're going. Reach out to the one He's calling you for and provide unconditional love. Only when He guides you another way shall you move on. If there is one thing that we all secretly crave within, it's to know someone will never give up on us.
Fight the battle until it's over. Because rejoicing in the end makes the whole fight worth it.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Extreme Hope.
The other day I wrote the words,
"I have grown in love with the concept of the unexpected."I realized I really do like the unexpected things. I used to know what I want, expect what I want, but I had no idea. Slowly God was teaching me that sometimes it's better when it happens a different way. So in each small thing He started teaching me to wait and be patient--to not give up. I expect something to happen one way only for it to go completely different. But that's the beauty in it all.
I have hope. A hope that I pray is never taken away. It has left me extremely excited for the harvest.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Dear Future!
Surprise me with life gifts filled with joy and unexpected miracles! Surprise me with people and their actions! Surprise me with opportunities!
But most of all, remember my hope I have today.
Stephanie Ann
Friday, October 16, 2009
Just Another Answer.
But I am becoming torn between two different worlds. One I live in, and one I want to live in. The one I want to live in is the one I've dreamed to live in. But who am I to know what I need? I just want an answer. But if not that answer to the question I have, then perhaps a knowledge that I'm going down the right path.
The only important thing is to know you're following God. When I read His word, sometimes I think maybe the answer is staring me in the face. But it is. God is the only One who knows how to mend a broken heart. The only One who knows how to give us unending love and exceeding happiness. He provides the joy we seek and the love we long to have. He's absolutely my everything.
All I desire is to love with an unconditional love. To be that big difference in my generation. I hope and pray with all the faith I have that I will in fact make a different in at least o n e person's life.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Surreptitious Thoughts.
Sometimes we’re oblivious to our own thoughts and we continuously allow them to pass until one day our eyes open. We then realize that we’ve had secret thoughts we were unaware of. Reality slaps us in the face and confesses all our surreptitious thoughts. Perhaps it’s just me, or maybe it happens to everyone. We can’t know when we’ll see our hidden thoughts, but we’ll know once it happens. It’s not something we speak of until it’s revealed—but maybe that’s the beauty in it all. We could be missing out on the most precious treasure in our lives! Which means that eventually we’ll discover it and enjoy it.
Hiding thoughts can be an interesting thing when we hide compliments from someone else. Eventually it just bursts out at the perfect timing and we see that it’s exactly what the other person needed. Although we kept it secretly to ourselves, they were longing to hear it. And perhaps they were oblivious to their longing to hear it! The moment the words escape our mouth new secret thoughts form. Maybe it’s this one big cycle our mind goes through and never informs us of!
Maybe I’m not making any sense. Or maybe I’m making complete sense. I’ve been unaware of my own thoughts and they’ve slowly been revealed to me. I realize that I was drawn to something that only time could make known to me. Even the smallest things could change our life. Too often we lack to take the road that could make a difference.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Unexplainable Happiness.

I'm not sure what got into me, I was this completely crazy person laughing over the dumbest things. I don't know why I had random urges to run or lay in the middle of the road acting dead. But it has occurred to me that I've recently been happier than before. I guess I don't have full control over it. I think I'm just being me, but I'm shining extremely bright, despite my obliviousness to the change.
Honestly, are you experiencing any unexplainable happiness at all? I don't get you. The happiness is enough for me though. I guess I can quit hiding it. I sure won't deny it either. I'm done trying to ignore the tiny things that stand out. I'll just let them happen. It interests me and it's somehow fun! To hear you answer my question before I ask it, or read my mind. I get the urge to hit you because I fail to remember your reaction. Perhaps hitting is my way of making an alternate to hugging.
I suppose that is rather pathetic. As much as I love hugs, I think I don't give them to you because it might be awkward for you. I do notice how others are around you and I have realized that I am completely different. But I'm fine with that, so I suppose it doesn't matter.
All I know is that nothing should ruin this happiness.
It serves a purpose. :)