Why can't we just sugar coat our whole entire life so that everything we do and say tastes sweet? We don't have to address a single problem, and we can completely forget that any of them exist. Wouldn't doing that mean the problem didn't matter anymore? We wouldn't talk about it, after all, we wouldn't do things according to it (since we're keeping it in), and it wouldn't technically be there.
Wait... what?
Sugar coating things doesn't make them not exist! Sugar coating doesn't fix a problem. Maybe it puts it off, but that's like dragging a shovel along dirt! It just collects more!
Silence hurts more than words. For what is not said is an internal attack. Sometimes the pain comes later, and feels WORSE.
But what does this have to do with anything in MY life? Do I sugar coat things?.. Okay, maybe I am guilty of giving in to sugar coating. But it's not really always sugar coating. I just forget about what hurts and find the things that cause laughter, or something happy-feely. But it's like a temporary pleasure...and honestly.. it just hurts more later.
Our minds are a rather interesting piece of the body. It's like they're not even OF the body!
I'm not even sure where I'm going with this anymore. I'm not even sure what causes me to write "sugar coated lies." I think I've been feeling like keeping things in will somehow take away the pain. Which won't work, so I don't know why I'm doing it! How else do we deal with pain? WHY did pain even have to exist? I suppose sin causes pain, in one way or another. And it's pretty crazy how "sin" tends to do all that it does. It hurts. Sin is the number one way to get people deceived.
Moving on.
I don't want to not say stuff to avoid arguments... I want the stuff to just NOT start one in the first place. I want the problems resolved, to become one mind with someone, and not two different worlds in one conversation.
Who's the one really attacking? The one wanting to help, seen as an "attack" to the other? Or the one being "attacked" and blaming the other? Does any of that even make sense? Can you accept a murderer into your home and still let them murder? Or would you accept a murderer willing to change?
Either way, you're accepting. But it's THEIR intentions that make the difference.
How can I title this blog "Sugar Coated Lies"? Are lies sugar coated?
Wait...nothing makes sense!
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