Today my sister said that my cat ran outside in the morning...
He hasn't returned since and it's already past 10pm.
I sat outside after praying to God that He'd keep Venny (Kidey) safe and bring him home.
As I sat out there, I listened to music.
This made me cry. :( I was just picturing him returning home and me hugging him tight.
I come to realize how much I really do love that cat. When no one is home, I always have him to talk to, or just hug and kiss, even if he doesn't like it!
I grew quite attached to my cat...and now I'm a little worried. I do hope he either appears tonight, or tomorrow. And I really hope he's not hurt! He never leaves this long, especially now that he's already neutered. He always comes back, even if just for food.
His food bowl is full.
My sister and I went walking earlier to see if he was around the neighborhood, but there was no sight of him.
I'm really glad I didn't find him on the floor hurt, or worse, dead. But I don't know where he could be!
I do hope...that come tomorrow...he'll be home and I won't have to be sad..
I will keep praying that God leads Kidey home...
As for now...the tears will probably put me to sleep...
Stephanie Ann
He'll come back...right?
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