I read on this quote about the difference between friendship and lovers, and I thought it was quite interesting. I just notice how lost this world has become, and how my generation has found itself lost in it.
Friends stand side by side, where as lovers stand face to face.
When you're side by side, you can look forward together, and focus on what lies ahead. When you're face to face, you're paying attention to the relationship. The distraction is the person in front of you. It can also draw you away from what you're suppose to be doing. It can distract you from what God has in plan.
I'm not saying this for people who are lovers or anything, that they're distracting each other. I mean that some people start to focus too much on the relationship that they miss out on today.
That includes friendships. Once you realize you're starting to focus on the friendship too much, and thinking about the relationship, it has turned into something more than "just friends."
I watch the people around me, and hear so many stories. And I think about myself.
Yeah, sometimes it is hard to remain perfectly content about where I'm at today. To be fine with all the choices I make, like remaining friends with everyone I meet.
Maybe I have it easy? Or maybe I have it just like everyone else, I just make different decisions.
Sometimes I wonder... am I the only person my age that has sustained myself from getting too involved in "having to have someone?" Am I the only person who is saving the first kiss for the alter? Am I the only one trying to keep myself as pure as I can for my future husband? Is HE even doing it?
Am I the only one that prays for the person I'll one day be ONE with? Am I the only person I know that even CARES as much as I do for each of my friends, for their lives? Am I the only person who cries and prays for her friends, that they may be happy, blessed, and taken care of by our Father who is in Heaven?
Am I the only one who watches out for them, and tries to be a shining light, no matter how many times I might fail?
Where has this world gone? Where are the people who believe in purity and waiting, and living for today, instead of yesterday?
All of my days, I want to live for God. I want to shine. I want to encourage others. I want...people to know that they are loved. If not by people, then by God... And me.
Are you crying and in need of someone to talk to? Because here I am! Waiting for that ONE call just to say "I am here for you." Who cares what time it is? If I'm available with my phone, then by all means, I will answer and be there. Sure, maybe it'll be a time that I'm not my best, but when you share YOUR problems...you're helping me fix MINE. You'd be HELPING ME.
Why can't we just grow in friendships and help each other? Why do we have to cling to people and cry for something more...at the age of 13 even! You should be enjoying life, not the opposite gender because you think that's a part of growing up! It's not. They're your brothers and sisters, your friends.
There is going to be a day you'll realize that of all your friends, there is someone different. There is going to be a day you'll realize that one of them stands out. There is going to be a day that you'll realize someone means something to you in ways you'd have never thought the day you met them.
There is going to be a day that God is going to present them to you to tell you, "This is them." And that just might be your time to know He has something more to you. And if you have waited and prayed and believed He'd bring them to you, you'll be blessed with what exactly you need.
I say this to the people who feel alone and feel like there is "no one" for them. Or to the people who do not think the single life is for them... Or for the ones who have given up.
There is someone for you. But have you made God your true love?
Never take someone for granted. Everyone has a purpose in your life. Everyone has a reason as to why you know them. They all help you to grow and mold into who you are.
You must watch your friends. Make sure who you're hanging out with isn't distracting you from your journey God has for you. Make sure the people around you aren't influencing you in the wrong ways. Watch your mouth. Are you blessing people with the things you say? Are you encouraging them, or criticizing them?
Be a shining star in this world...and you'll definitely stand out.
And one day...you won't be blind to the one special person God had for you the whole time.
And they'll stand out. They'll be shining. They'll be smiling.
If they made the same decision you have...it'll be amazing.
How can I say this if I haven't lived this life myself?
Because I'm waiting for it. And I believe God works in amazing ways. I'm willing to wait and see. I'm willing to allow Him to control my WHOLE life.
God doesn't need to tell me who He has for me for me to wait. God doesn't need to tell me his name yet for me to be faithful to him. He'll tell me eventually. But for now.. I wait. I pray. And I be that person I think my future husband deserves. Even if he might not think he deserves it.
He does...because God loves him.
Stephanie Ann
What if you consider the person you love and are with, your best friend? You're more than just lovers who stare at each other, but more of..team members, who work together on things.. Who are apart anyway *Crosses arms*.
You're right about the distraction thing though. But even friends can distract you.
That's what prayer is for. :)
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