Saturday, July 16, 2011

Test of Love.

During a hardship, the truth reveals itself so clearly. The love we planted grows, and what we sew we reap. It is the time we find out if we truly loved or not. The battle between our mind and our heart comes to an end. When our mind is in it, we find every way to erase everything that reminds us of what was lost, or left. We delete the evidence of it ever existing and cry away the pain and move on. But when it is our heart, we hold on to the memories and continue to love. We smile at the past and look forward to the future. We know we made no mistake in the love that came straight from the heart.

This came to me by simply observing broken relationships, and watching a movie show recently. I, too, was in a friendship that had love from the mind. When it came to an end, I deleted what we had from my memory. I threw away letters, deleted chat logs, and acted like it never happened. Not in a hateful way, but in a way that I did not truly love him the way I was meant to love someone else. It wasn't the sincere honest love, and I didn't want to think it ever happened. I moved on with no hesitation. I knew I had to. Fortunately I wanted to, but it has taught me what love really is. Because I used this part of my past to compare to the one I could love.

I have also observed the relationships I've seen around me. I try my best to encourage those to seek love and not lust. But I find that some of us rush into something that seems to return what we desire. They give their attention to a particular person and like being noticed. Of course we all want to be cared for, but we fall too much toward a lustful relationship. Because in the end, when it comes crashing down, we fall apart and pretend it never happened. Pictures become deleted, past evidence that they were close at one time are erased. And they set a goal to move on and make up for the time they wasted. They start the cycle all over again.

Love is willing to wait and not rush. It is willing to love through the worst time just as much as the best--if not more. When we truly love, we see into their eyes, not at them. We dig deep to find their most precious treasures. Love is not physical affection, but rather emotional affection. It's diving into their heart and asking for nothing at all in return. It's always reaching your hand out for the time they may reach back for help.

When we put love into a relationship, if it breaks and comes crashing down, we don't erase them from our past, we embrace the moment. We let the past remain and burn not a letter, nor memory. We believe with our entire hearts that we did exactly what we were meant to do. And we press on and endure and move forward, not on. It is at that hopeless looking moment that our love is truly tested. The ultimate test of all. If they were to turn away from us, would we still love? If they never loved you back, would you still love them?

You see...this test was given to me. And I pray God sees to it that I pass it.

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