Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Gift Wrapped in a Blanket.

Interestingly the honest grin pasted itself immediately on my face, casting all worries aside. I could care even less for the horrible things now that I sat next to a wonderful gift wrapped in a blanket. I would not imagine trading this for anything else in the world. The moment I was in was the best it could be at that point in time. I was brought comfort in more ways than the obvious. I cried for one simple reason that night and I was content with my weeping.

I'm determined to keep the promise I made with my Father; to love no matter what. I could run from you, I could let go, but if you ever follow me, if you ever come back, I'm always going to commit to love. I've placed you so beautifully high in my priorities. You are indeed my priority on this earth. It never matters what others think or say about you. I can't see a defected version of you--just perfection imperfectly perfected.

I'll dread the day you leave.


♥Miss Writer said...

Such beautiful thoughts with such passion behind them. You are quite the talented writer...and photographer I see!
Pray tell, what camera do you use??? I am indeed most curious!

Stephanie Ann said...

Thank you dearly! That means a lot to me. :)

I use a Canon Rebel XT. It's great for its price (cheap), but I really want so much more from a camera, so I hope to upgrade next year!
Do you have a camera?

Stephanie Ann said...

ahh, I meant to ask what camera you have. I already assume you have one! Hehe!

♥Miss Writer said...

I just have a Nikon Coolpix s205. It does it's work well...but someday I'd love to upgrade to one of those monster big Nikons.

Have a blessed Christmas Stephanie!

much love,

Stephanie Ann said...

Having a point and shoot really helps with thinking creative though! :) I started off with them before getting to my DSLR.

I hope you had an amazing Christmas!