Thursday, December 20, 2012


Dear God,

The truth is, I am suffering with some sort of impatience disease. Not that I act upon it, but that my mind gets lost so easily. It begins to imagine something I've never even had, and immediately it affects my heart. Is this Your way of showing me that it's almost time? Because it's always toughest right before we reach the finish line. Whenever I see the tiniest glimpse of what it could be, I suddenly feel completely ready for it. But if I'm clearly not ready for it, I sincerely pray you help me endure through these awful impatient feelings.

You've given me such a big heart, God. I have a longing to be a wife someday so that I can care for someone, stand by their side, and encourage them when they're feeling down. This would absolutely mean so much to me and I promise I would take care of him. I'd appreciate it beyond measure, I'd put forth effort to keep it alive, and never cease to water the relationship. You must have someone incredibly amazing that it has taken this long for us to meet.

May You open our eyes to find each other on Your very perfect timing, so that our waiting can come to an end. So that I can be his helper through thick and thin. That's really all I wish for this Christmas.

Stephanie Ann

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