Thursday, November 20, 2008

Better is One Day.

Better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere. :)

Okay. GOOD NEWS. I am doing extremely better today. Simply because I believe. 

Well, thoughts can ruin your mood, or make you feel completely 50 times better. Hehe!

I was just...thinking...because there is no need to worry, we must believe that God is in control. I am allowing Him to lead me to what He wants me to do. And all I have to do is worry about MYSELF. My actions, the way I come across to others, if I'M shining my light to friends and family (and even strangers!) Life is just too short to waste on nothing important.

We gotta give it ALL up! God is the one standing there with His arms wide open and I'm pretty sure, according to His word, that He's pretty much saying, "I'm waiting for YOU." We're not robots. He can't force us to follow Him. And that's the joy in it all! Choosing God is special because it's a CHOICE. 

A CHOICE is more important. If you do not choose something, then it isn't even special. It's better to say, "I chose to follow God" than it is to say "I have to."

He wants us to WANT Him. Not to do it "just because." And it's a beautiful thing. 

If it wasn't, I wouldn't be so happy today. I wouldn't be able to get through any of this ...STUFF... My life may not be at its best right now, but I truly believe that God is preparing my future. And I have to go through this to learn and grow so that I will see how wonderful God really is.

It's the holidays pretty much, and I'm excited for Christmas. Because it's the only holiday to me that I feel the most love. From everyone around me! And how dark it is, but that we have lights to shine at night. Because it's only in the dark that you can really see the light. And that's when we should shine the most!

I'd rather spend one day with God than a thousand places elsewhere.

He's what makes me...truly happy. And He knows exactly what I need.

Therefore I leave everything up to Him.

♥ Stephanie Ann ♥

Just open your eyes and THEN you'll see what He gave you. :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Cause of Pain.

You know what causes the pain?
When you care. 

When you care a lot for someone. And it's like you pretty much take on their burdens anyway, so there's adding to the pain. The nice thing that you don't have to care. It's a choice.

But besides that...there is just...too much pain. Enough to make me give up? No.
And it's not because of them...
It's me.

I'm in an emotional state right now...I believe so. I mean, I know because I've been happy and I read old stuff like this and I'm like "OH my gosh! I should've believed it'd get better!"
But I'm not happy. And so I'm like this.

And I know that things will get better. I trust and believe they will. They're just not...better right at the moment...hence this blog.

It makes me feel a little better to write it out. Especially since I don't really feel people read this blog. It's out there, it's public, but it's not that well known, so ... I CAN write.

Ughhh...I keep crying. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I don't even know what's going to keep me happy. I'm scared that all the thoughts I had and have are wrong, and that it's all going to go away and I'm going to almost regret the thoughts. But maybe I won't. Maybe I'll rather learn from them. I still don't want to think I'm wrong...
Not that I'm right...but this...hurts.

It hurts deep in my heart. And I'm confused. That doesn't help. I wish I knew these things, I just wish I knew what was on the other side of this storm...just so I know what I'm waiting and hoping for. Just so I know what breakthrough will happen... and yet I don't. Which makes sense.. because we can't exactly know the future, or it wouldn't be the future.

I keep dreaming too. I have way too many of them lately. Weird ones, nice ones, etc. 
Some things keep me going. But if you get too involved in something, it's like you're asking just to be HURT. And I think that's what I'm doing.

I could just stop caring and care much less than I normally do. Go about my life without a care in the world. But that's not me. I ... can't do that! It's like.. I can't even stay mean or mad or anything. I just want the other person to understand that I would rather be happy and let them know I'm sorry...even if over the smallest things. I don't hold grudges.

But that's it... I constantly tell myself to care and love for people, to have patience...even if I know that I don't get that same treatment in return. I do nothing to hurt people. And if I do, I don't mean it and I hope they tell me. I don't want someone mad at me. And when it happens, I get that fear that it'll stay that way and I want to try so hard to make it go away, to put myself so much below that person that I am nothing. 

But where is this getting me? Here? In my room? In tears?
Praying that hopefully, soon, something is going to change. That there doesn't have to be any problems. That we can live a happy life doing things we want to do, things that please us and make us smile.

The promises you've made, are you keeping them? Are you being true to YOUR word?

What if...I'm the only reason the friendship is still...alive?

Stephanie Ann

Just don't...change who you are...and I won't change who I am. Then we'll be happy.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Just tell me HOW you deal with a situation like THIS?

Like...seriously! HOW?

Do you ignore the truth of what is? Do you just ignore the fact that you care?

Do you ignore yourself just so they might be satisfied?

I doubt it satisfies them.

Hmm...perhaps I would fall apart if you left.
Or maybe I'll just be getting stronger. ;)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm Eighteen...

So my birthday was Monday, 2 days ago.. I'm finally eighteen. I, of course, don't automatically feel different, but hey! Now I can say 18 rather than SEVENTEEN. Haha. =]


I'm happy to say I made it to 18 without ever entering into the "dating/relationships/boyfriend" world. I'm still happily waiting!

So...yeah. It IS possible. You can tell your future kids that (or your now kids.)

I'm ready for stuff to happen now.
I wasn't before.

Now I am.

Wait.. I don't know if I am.... I'm scared! Haha.

Eh....whatever. COMEEEE.

~Stephanie Ann

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon. ♥

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Putting Your Faith in God.

I found this rather encouraging! I've been put to ...hmm...what's the word? Test?
Well, in other words, I really feel like God wants me to read more about Him and increase my faith because He needs to use me for something. And I'm determined to allow Him to do so. I want this. And it shall make me happy.
Anyway, this is what I found:

Putting Your Faith in God

At times of great difficulty, human beings cry out to God and ask for divine intervention. This crying out stretches the heart and soul, and helps to bring the soul closer to God's heart.

In order for a deeper level of trust to occur in relation to God, there must first be an act of love and faith on the part of the soul that is seeking. The actions of love and trust, made as an offering to God, open the doorway so that the soul can have a deeper experience of God's reality. This experience in turn creates greater faith, so that what the soul most longs for can eventually be satisfied.

At this time the actions of faith are seen and heard by God, even if the human consciousness cannot yet feel faith in its fullness. Putting your faith in God, even when you cannot feel faith, even when you cannot feel God's reality, is a powerful antidote to the forces of darkness which would wish to create fear, doubt and despair.

Putting your faith in God is one of the first steps in the process of redemption, where all hurts are healed, where all wrong actions are righted, where what has been out of balance can become whole and pure once again. Putting your faith in God is one of the most worthy actions a soul can undertake at this time, which will create a pathway of light for all souls to eventually return home. With all love and blessings, Amen.

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