Friday, May 29, 2009

Oh, How You Work.

God works in the most amazing ways. It's like He even speaks to me in the TINIEST ways, but yet it's just perfect. Turning my head while praying, mentioning that He helps me in the smallest ways, and looking at a tiny writing I wrote a long time ago on my wall that exact moment that says, "Jesus saves."

So many things He's doing even more amazing than that have left me so overwhelmed in His awesomeness. They've left me with a deep joy inside of me. It might burst, but that's okay! :)

To think He's doing this for me and my loved ones...I'm somewhat speechless!

Perhaps He's already given me the exact signs I needed. Perhaps He sent me the miracle already.
Maybe that's what I was waiting for. Maybe I was right. Maybe He HAS BEEN SPEAKING. ☺

So what next?

More waiting. But that's okay. It has gotten me great things so far.

All glory be to God. The One who promised me paradise in the end when I follow Him.
I can't pass that up.
I wouldn't risk it!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Refusing is Worse Than Lying.'

Refusing to say things is worse than lying about stuff to make it "feel" better.

Well what the heck!?

Okay, so I'm guilty of refusing to say things. Maybe because of my ANNOYING tiny fear of someone hating me or something because of it. Maybe not hating, but looking down on me, catorgizing me as someone who's "condemning." If I'm doing anything, it is NEVER condemning. That's not even my right to condemn. God did it because He made us, but thankfully He changed things up a bit after Jesus.

If I could write out my EXACT situation, I would. But I'm not, because no one would really understand and human advice doesn't work.

But I noticed something. We use other things to justify stuff. I know, that's not really detailed at all.

Just because someone is doing another thing that I see as "wrong" doesn't mean I can use that to say it's okay to do wrong too!--wait-what? I'm trying not to feel all mad and roused up right now. I'm not mad, I'm hurt. Why? Don't ask. >.>

What kind of life do we want to live anyway? Where ARE the answers? Did God leave us here with NOTHING? Do we MAKE UP the answers ourselves because it sounds good? Why are people hating? Why are people becoming rebellious? Where's our COMMON SENSE? Seriously!

I think it's funny how people react about God and Jesus, which clearly shows it's not just something made up because then they'd react the same about everything else. But HE happens to be the one they flinch on. I won't get too into that though because I have other things on my mind. A LOT of other things, but whatev.

Perhaps there is a reason you're reading this right now. Whatever lead you to my blog. I mean... maybe somehow you'll see so deep into this you'll know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I don't even want comments, but I'm allowing them just in case someone thinks they understand me.

How many things are we going to start allowing until we learn to STOP?

You know what I've heard WAY too many times? That divorce is becoming the normal, that it's allowed, and that no one "condemns" them or whatnot.

That doesn't make divorce all the more OKAY, allowing others to believe if they do that, we can do other things.

You know WHY Jesus "allowed" divorce? Because of sexual immorality and such. Not that it's allowed, but that it happens. God hates it, and He never said otherwise.

But man makes mistakes in the beginning. Rushing to make a permanent bond and failing to keep it.

Some people are MADE to be, some people just WANT to be.

But life isn't about finding someone to be 'complete' with, but rather allowing God to complete you. It's an offer of satisfaction that lasts forever verses temporary things.

I see it as the world is temporary and God is permanent. Anything from the world is temporary. Anything from God lasts FOREVER.

An offer of LOVE, CARING, LIFE, instead of SIN, HATE, ANGER, DEATH. An offer that I'd regret to not take. An offer I can't imagine passing up!

How do you KNOW there will be blessings unless you TAKE that stand? It's OKAY to believe in a God of Love. To believe in life after death, and spending our lives in eternity. It's like being "better safe than sorry."

I'm refusing to say things to the one I hold very close to my heart. I'm keeping so many things silent as to not "ruin" anything. But what if that's exactly what I'm doing anyway? What if my refusal to address a topic is the exact way to show them I don't care enough?

What if what God said in His word is true? What if we twisted the words around to the point of making lies? What if Jesus does come again and we're not even ready? What if He DID send someone in our lives to edify and fix ourselves?

What if we ignored the exact thing that would have made the biggest difference?

You know you're following God the right way when you're not scared to ask Him to search your heart for sin.

Jesus said if you deny Him before men, He'll deny you before God.

Should I really refuse to share things that could lead to a lasting lifetime of forever in paradise with the One who took the time to create you?

Who do you want cheering you on? God, or the devil?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm So Ready For This!

Lately God has been extremely amazing, even in the smallest ways. He has brought me out of sadness and confusion so many times. And although many of the reasons why I was sad are personal, all that's important now is that He's helping me!

I feel so extremely excited! You have like NO idea.

I feel like this miracle is going to come, whatever it may be, and whoever it may concern, I just feel it coming. I'm really happy that God has helped me to realize this and that He's given me a lot of hope.

There are many other things I've been thinking about too, but things that put a smile on my face. Just thinking about where I'm at in life and where it'll lead me. I know I'm going to be even happier when the miracle comes! =]

Thank You, God, for everything!

ALSO! In 15 days I'm heading to Utah to visit my friend Katrina! I'm excited to be not only traveling out of this time zone for the first time, but also to meet Katrina for the first time. I know we are going to have so much fun! We will be having photo shoots and whatnot!

Until then, I'm going to be expecting lots of blessings because of God's amazing LOVE. ♥


Friday, May 15, 2009



19 more days.

June 3rd I leave, June 4th I arrive. - June 12th I leave :(, June13th I get home.

I'm visiting Katrina. :)

Also! Update on my life...

God has been somehow working lately and it's AWESOME. Nothing even had to happen, but rather the happiness and good feeling I have. Which could very well be for what is GOING to happen, whatever that may be. As in God is just preparing me. But that's okay. I'm going to completely trust Him in this!

This actually always seems to happen once I pray a certain prayer...
