Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Waiting For.

I'm waiting for Providence to kick in. It's the one thing I can truly count on to get me through the storms. I know that I have dreamed and imagined my entire life, but I'm still one for surprises. I'm letting go but still holding onto hope. Allowing what is to be to simply be. I'm making attempts to run in the wrong direction just so I can be shoved to run the right direction. I'm making plans to ignore what I love to be screamed at to love again. Not because I want to run away or ignore my heart, but because I want to know if I was ever on that straight path in the first place. Have I made turns, have I swerved, or have I come to a stop? Or have I truly been reading all signs correctly down the narrow and straight path?

I'm waiting for what's meant to be to stare at me in the face. I'm waiting to recognize such a beautiful sight to its fullest and most genuine features. I shall come to accept that I could very well lose what I have come to truly love. And although many tears have been shed due to such a matter, I still trust in God. I continue walking forward, whether it be baby steps, or leaps of faith. I find that reason to smile and I use it. 

I'm waiting for the most wonderful thing to happen. The second before all hope seems lost and the very last step before a fall. I'm waiting for the "im" in impossible to vanish away completely. I'm standing on the very edge of a cliff with the faith that I cannot and will not fall. May time make its way through all of this, steady and subtle. I trust that if I heard correctly...I am not making a mistake. And the answer will indeed return.

I loved you enough to let you go.

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