Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Good Cry.

I have that occasional cry now and then. I'll sit myself down against my bedside, run the heater for warmth on my feet, and ponder life. I allow the deepest things closest to my heart to take flight into my mind and usually a tear or two forms. If I ponder long enough and think about the most effective scenarios, I'll drop heavy tears. I only allow this to happen as to not hold it so harshly in. I need a good cry just to still feel alive and careful, that I'm still enduring. I need that feeling that I am fighting, and if I feel as if I'm sitting, I ache. If I have not a task to do, not a battle to war in, I feel so useless and it rather causes a different pain. A worthless pain.

As nothing happens, I wonder what's being stirred. What is to change? Because even though you've faded a bit, you still remain buried in my heart. I'll just keep hoping we never lose each other. If the world ever attempts to pull you down, I'll always be here to hold out my hand and pull you back up. I never want you to ever feel worthless ever again.

I still love you.

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