Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Just Tired.

It feels like an entire decade has gone by since I've had the proper motivation to write out my sincere thoughts. But that's the thing; I don't think I know my sincere thoughts anymore. I go about two weeks without being around you, and then I see you for a small segment in a day, and then back to two more weeks and some odd days. I begin feeling as if I miss you, but as that fades, I just miss us. Maybe spending time apart was really the true solution to allowing you to fade from my life. And as you received what you maybe wanted, I'd just cry it out until I forgot what it felt like to be near you.

Maybe that's ridiculous to even think about. Maybe you're changing and I just don't know it yet. Somehow I want out of this icky feeling. It doesn't make sense to me and it's pulling me down daily. You should do something about this. Just step up and make a move. I'm out of actions to commit with us. I really am. I've done a lot, if you didn't notice. I think it's your turn. I'm tired. I'm used up. And I only wish to feel appreciated as much as I've grown to appreciate you. You have the ability to scare me. Please don't use it.

Let's just love each other truly now.

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