Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Remember Us?

Dear You,

Remember all of our good moments, where we'd scream or laugh over the tiniest things? To us, they were huge. Our reaction was the proper proportion to the action. When I sit at the piano and play a song, I can't help but play back those memories. It's as if they were simply too good to be true. I felt so alive with you, so open to anything perfect. I didn't have to worry about anything. You looked at me like I mattered when I'd spent those minutes explaining the longest stories. I'd almost stop myself in mid speech until I realized I had your full attention anyway.

Remember sitting in the booth at a restaurant in the middle of the night? The waitress wouldn't return to pour me more water. As I jokingly and constantly complained about how much I wanted more, you finally attempted to satisfy my need by pouring the rest of your water into my cup. As ice cold water poured on my hand, my immediate reaction was the laugh. With you, I was happy and content. To me, it makes no sense to throw something that beautiful away.

Remember when you taught me how to dance? You paid attention to me more than anyone else I'd meet. I didn't know I'd claim you as the best at the time, but you always were. I found myself finally looking forward to each new day. You were the answer to my prayer in the best possible form. If I could relive an amount of years, I'd relive the past four. And through the heartbreaking moments, I'd still love you again.

Remember when I surprised you two years in a row on your birthday?

I just wanted to make you happy.

Yours Truly,

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