Sunday, August 5, 2012

What Do We Really Want?

We always think we know what we want until we are given what we really want, but then we question if it's another thing we want that we don't actually want. If we want one thing, seek it and then never have it, we find something else we want instead. But what is the difference between wanting what you don't need and wanting what you do need? How do you know if you've found what you really wanted if the idea of you wanting it puts you in the state of wonder? If we wanted something and never got it and was given what we really need and end up wanting it, how will we know when it's okay to want? How will we know when we're wanting the correct thing?

Is it the prize we receive after accepting the fact that we did not obtain what we previously wanted? And when we stop wanting that thing we didn't actually want, is it time to find what we are meant to want?

I thought I knew what I wanted. But in the end, I didn't want it. I soon discovered what I do want, and I question if this was meant to be wanted. But it feels so real, so huge, and so much better. Maybe I also needed that past want to compare something better to. To understand the different feelings between each of these wants I've had. Have I finally found what I should want? Have I finally learned my lesson to know what is next that is what I want? I could not have this and that at the same time. My past want could not also have this current want alongside of it. And for that, I am able to see that I may have come to the correct want thanks to my past lesson.

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