Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dream He.

It's a battle to fall ever so gently in love with an imaginary creation. Exiting earth and into an almost perfect world, everything just changes. Attention received no payment from me in my world of reality. I was short of such cash, after all. My dreams were set in stone, and I somehow lived them. I found the most beautiful set of eyes because of this. I placed this wonderful soul on such high priority in my life--under God, of course. I knew it was my mere imagination, but I had high hopes he had a twin in reality.

I was determined to allow my love to burst all over him when I discovered who he really was. I intended to waste no time on the unworthy. But day by day I was craving too harshly and I had to let this go. I did not want to get stuck inside a dream and miss out on what just might be staring me in the face. So therefore, I stepped out for awhile. The world was horrible. I forgot how much I disliked being in it. But I continued on. Often I'd glance back at my dream, sigh, and continue on.

Somewhere along the line of living in reality, I gave up my dream to settle for something different. And as I did so, I lost my sense of knowing what was really inside the depths of my heart. I went back and I changed my imaginary creation. I compromised, yet scratched up my long-lost fantasy. I found myself on the ground, crying in utter pain. I still loved what I imagined was him and I could not be satisfied with what was less than he. I had not found him and I would not stop looking.

Back at where I started, I got lost in reverie. But this time I controlled it. I would be satisfied without so he can come along unknowingly. My dream would have no ability to hide from me, and it would exist in a perfect way. A way I would never have been able to write. A way I would never have been able to guess. A story I could not think of. But a story I would grow to understand.

He could not hide from me because I knew of just one thing. There is no hiding place behind a smile.

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