Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Eight Days.

In approximately eight days away from this very writing I will be considered twenty years of age. Thoughts like what I'll be doing to celebrate, or who I'd like to see are what cross my mind. But speeding it's way through right into my face of mind I see what I truly desire. Maybe about two things are on my list. You see, I missed it last year. And the year before. But now would be a really nice time to hint such a gift. I'ven't spoken a word on it, but eventually I might.

In these eight days that I will be waiting, I'm not quite sure how I'll spend them. Nineteen is such an awkward age. You're an adult, but you're also a teen. This age has brought me the beginning of building blocks, but it sure hasn't brought be a building. What I hope for when twenty comes around is a rooftop. I suppose that's asking for a lot, but then again, I've secretly been asking for it for my last two birthdays. I am in fact most thankful that I've lived this long while still maintaining a smile here and there. Because in eight days I'll be creating a new smile.

I decided that when I turn twenty, my life is changing.

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