Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Little Rain.

Dearest weather, you read me well. You're capable of sunny days, but sometimes you understand it's time for a little rain. It's as if the water represents all the small things that we gather over time. As you soak in just enough, you pour it all out. No need to feel ashamed of shedding those tears though. I've come to understand you completely. You're aware that there is hope beyond the storm and I admire that. Because when these gray clouds pass, that sun will come shining through. And a promise is yet again fulfilled. You would not flood us.

I suppose I never needed to know how much I can bear. Seven months ago I felt at the end of my rope. Seven months ago I felt more weak than ever before. But seven months later, I made it. I doubted that patience and strength somehow, I know I did. But God proved me wrong and got me here anyway. I just needed to believe. I still believe. Past promises are not forgotten, they're just sometimes hidden away to be fulfilled on perfect timing. My promise has yet again been revealed to me and I will see to it that I persevere until it comes.

With God, all things are possible. ♥

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