Friday, October 22, 2010

Overly Happy.

You caught me and I didn't even know. You asked me why I was shaking. Would you expect me to tell you it was because of you, or could you just assume? I didn't know I was shaking though, trust me. I thought it was over because we were nearly at the end of our time spent. I should have been calm at that point. I like the extra hour we spent in your truck. Although I don't know anyone who lets me stall so long. I'll just blame you for making me so used to doing it. Maybe you were stalling too though. Maybe you're not too bad after all.

I've never sat at a restaurant without looking at the menu for the first few minutes. The waitress came over three times before we actually gave the menu some attention. You see, it's little things like that in which I hold dearly. To be able to laugh over almost everything. Although I felt so overly happy this time. It was a bit harder for me to bring it down a notch with the whole smiling thing. But you quite went along with it very well. In fact, you seemed just as happy. Let's just face it. You bring out the best in me, in which I notice the best in you.

I guess I love you. :)

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