Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Once Upon Impossible.

There are certain things that at one point you could have never imagined happening. But somehow life has its way of surprising you and proving you wrong. I've lived my life with a lot of faith, capable of believing the impossible. But just a few weeks back, I would have seen myself today as something impossible. I chose not to believe it because I never wanted to give up on something I was determined to see change. But when God turned it all around for me, I walked away without giving up in the way that I never wanted to. In fact, I was capable of giving it away to Someone more powerful than I, and Someone with more patience.

I see my past as a fight that got me to become stronger in the most impossible way. As that door closed, I found the strength to open my eyes to something new. Perhaps this was God's way in preparing me perfectly to become something great. Just because I was called away doesn't mean I've lost my calling. It means I'm to be given a new one. This has excited me because the pain of that past has finally come to an end.

The tears I've shed in the past four years served their purpose, and I risked my entire life for one human being. I feel as though I have finally died for them and became alive even stronger in the end. It's God's turn to apply love in their life and my turn to move on.

I've always been one for the unexpected. All the happenings in life that come unexpectedly always just seem meant to be compared to our selfish wants. What you cannot control is not meant to be controlled, but to be embraced. To be understood. To be learned. I know God will allow the right human being to come along and pull me out of any past effects. Someone to prove my fear wrong. Someone to read me like a book and become hope.

He knows me far greater than I'll ever know myself.

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