Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Future.

I have finally arrived at the time in my life where I am more than ready to take that leap of faith. It feels time for that big step to be made. I know God sees this in me, and He's been the biggest reason why I've reached this point. He has changed me, transformed me, and brought into my life blessings for what I've been through. He taught me great things in the past, and has been teaching me new lessons still! He has taken out of me impatience for the future, and fear from the past.

I'm ready now to move on to something entirely new. To follow my heart to what I desire in life. I want these desires to be God's desires, and I await for Him to point a finger as to where He wants me. I had a calling that was revealed to me in January of 2009. I spent every month after that fulfilling the calling and trying my best to do as God asked. He brought me through the battle of it until July of 2012, when I was finally released. He placed inside of my heart a feeling of peace and happiness.

I have been reaping what I've sown, and it feels so good to finally get to this point. Life dramatically changed for me and I know that I am finally ready for the next step. My calling was fulfilled, and my purpose was made. Now I am free and one step away from the next journey. God will put inside my life what He desires and place the right people who are to join along in this journey. I'm so utterly happy to be experiencing all of this, and glad that I made it the past few years without ever giving up.

This town will always hold those memories, and remind me of all that I went through to get to the point that I am at now. It'll always be here, with everything I needed to grow and learn. This is where I was placed for 21 years. I finally feel that I am nearing the time I make the decision to go where I need to go. As a photographer, I desire to travel the world. I can't imagine doing it alone, but I know there will be a way! Until then, I am determined to fight for what's to come and ready myself for a crazy, amazing, adventurous future!

The best has yet to come. ♥

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